Intellectual Ability Assessment
WISC-V: The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fifth Edition is an individually administered and comprehensive clinical instrument used to assess the general thinking and reasoning skills of children aged six to sixteen years. Test results include a Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score, as well as age-equivalent rankings and scores for verbal comprehension, visual spatial, fluid reasoning, working memory and processing speed composites.
WAIS-IV: The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Fourth Edition is an individually administered and comprehensive clinical instrument used to assess cognitive ability in people aged 16 to 90 years. Test results include a Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score, as well as rankings and scores for verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed.
ABAS-III: The Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System – Third Edition is a multidimensional and standardised assessment tool used to assess the functional skills necessary for daily living of individuals between 0 to 89 years of age. ABAS-III assesses the following skill areas: communication, community use, functional academics, school/home living, health and safety, leisure, self-care, self-direction, social, motor and work.