ADHD Assessment
Below are the most commonly used diagnostic assessments for ADHD. If you require an assessment not listed below, please contact us as our psychologists are trained in a wide range of diagnostic assessments. ​​​
Conners-EC: The Conners Early Childhood assesses the concerns of parents, teachers, and childcare providers about preschool-aged children 2- 6 years old. This assists in identifying behavioural, social, and emotional problems. The Conners EC can also help measure whether or not a child is appropriately meeting major developmental milestones (Adaptive Skills, Communication, Motor Skills, Play, and Pre-Academic/Cognitive).
Conners-4: The Conners – Fourth Edition is an assessment tool designed to measure a range of behaviours in children aged 6 to 18 years. It is a thorough assessment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the most common comorbid problems and disorders. Conners-4 assesses the following content scales across home, social and school settings: inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, learning problems, executive functioning, defiance/aggression and peer/family relations.
WISC-V: The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fifth Edition is an individually administered and comprehensive clinical instrument used to assess the general thinking and reasoning skills of children aged 6 - 16 years. Test results include a Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score, as well as age-equivalent rankings and scores for verbal comprehension, visual spatial, fluid reasoning, working memory and processing speed composites.
CAARS: The Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scales is a multi-dimensional assessment that measures the presence and severity of ADHD symptoms in adults 18 years and over.
WAIS-IV: The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Fourth Edition is an individually administered and comprehensive clinical instrument used to assess cognitive ability in people aged 16 - 90 years. Test results include a Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score, as well as rankings and scores for verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed.
TEA & TEA-Ch2: The Test of Everyday Attention uniquely measures separable aspects of attention. For both adults and children, it assists in meaning selective attention, sustained attention and attentional switching.
ABAS-III: The Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System – Third Edition is a multidimensional and standardised assessment tool used to assess the functional skills necessary for daily living of individuals between 0 - 89 years of age. ABAS-III assesses the following skill areas: communication, community use, functional academics, school/home living, health and safety, leisure, self-care, self-direction, social, motor and work.